Recommendation for Service and Product management between Shopify, Woocommerce and Wix


Recommendation for Service and Product management between Shopify, Woocommerce and Wix


You work as a graduate consultant for a consulting firm in one of the branches (Australia, Malaysia or Hong Kong) of Victoria University Information Systems Consulting (VUIS). You have worked there for six months. The company has been in operation for five years and has 70 employees including the general manager, consultants, administrative staff, project managers, programmers, business analysts, a technical writer and a trainer.

The company provides General Business plus Information Systems consulting services and also develops eCommerce solutions for a range of small to medium sized organisations. The eCommerce solutions are often hosted in the cloud.

The eCommerce section of VUIS always develop a scoping report for their clients as a first step to a fully detailed requirements report. The outcome of the scoping report will have four recommendations;

Recommendation 1 The type of eCommerce system to be adopted.

Recommendation 2 The functionality and costing of the eCommerce system.

Recommendation 3 The degree that the Cloud may be utilised in the eCommerce system.

Recommendation 4 Outline of the Implementation Issues of the eCommerce rollout.

Type of eCommerce system

The type of eCommerce system covers three broad areas;

  1. What products/services are being taken online?
  2. What will be the main business processes and functions addressed in the recommended eComm system?
  3. Compare three available eCommerce providers, Shopify, Woocommerce and one other of your choice. Use the KT-DA comparison table here.
  4. What eCommerce provider is recommended and why?

The functionality and costing of the eCommerce system

In relation to the case study problem and recommended eComm solution:

  1. What features does the eCommerce provide?
  2. Compare the differing pricing levels of the eCommerce package; basic, advanced etc.
  3. Explain if the eCommerce is being insourced, outsourced or some variation of both.
  4. Now make a recommendation as to the level of pricing & service/functionality to be chosen, eg. Basic, advanced etc.
  5. Detail the cost structure of the system, including upfront, monthly and ongoing costs.

The degree that the Cloud will be utilised

The system will have three main components, the application or front end, the back-end data store and the backup system. Cloud technology is now standard industry wide practice and the scoping study will recommend how the cloud will be utilised.

  1. Types of Cloud Systems-Explain key terms and cite additional references to demonstrate research and illustrate understanding.
  2. Issues and Benefits of Cloud Systems-Describe in detail the challenges and issues involved when introducing such a system to an organisation (e.g. staff resistance to change). Describe in detail the benefits achieved when introducing such a system to an organisation (e.g. improved customer satisfaction).
  3. Current Trends and Examples in Cloud Computing.-If you have found something in your research such as a new trend or an example of the use of your type of system then outline it here. Make it specific to the type of eComm platform the client may use.
  4. Your recommendation-Give two specific examples of how the use of Cloud could benefit the client eComm solution.

Outline of Implementation Issues

All information systems require discussion of how the information system will be rolled out or implemented. For the scoping report we expect you to consider and discuss the following issues:

In relation to the Business and proposed solution from recommendation 1:

  1. People
  • What training requirements are needed for the staff?
  • Who will actually do the training?
  1. Risk
  • What sorts of risks are likely in rolling out the new eCommerce system?
  • Use a risk table to represent the 5 main risks.
Risk (5) Level of risk


Likelihood of occurring


Level x likelihood


  1. Roll-out
  • How will the system be rolled out; big bang, phased or pilot?
  • What is the length of time for the roll-out from start to finish?
  • Which internal staff will be involved in the rollout?
  • Prepare a roll-out plan (gannt chart) for the the roll-out, see below.
  1. Security
  • What are the top three security issues that need to be considered in implementing the eComm systems?
  • How will be security issues be managed?

Case Study

VUIS Consulting has four new clients who need advice on whether to adopt an upgraded eCommerce system.

  • Barry’sBeans
  • Rhonda’sScrapping Emporium
  • Sam’sOffice Plants
  • DenimFit by Jeans

You will provide consulting services to one of the clients mentioned above as part of a consulting group. You will complete the Case Study Scoping Report. The scoping report and specifications will provide your chosen VUIS Consulting client with an overview of the selected system so they can determine if they want to proceed with implementing such a system in their own business. It will also guide them on the requirements for the new system. The report will also highlight the benefits and issues associated with adopting such a system.


To be able to successfully complete this assessment task you need to be familiar with the content in lectures and tutorials. Throughout the semester we have emphasised that Information Systems is significantly different from just computing or computer science. Information systems comprise five components; computer components and software but most importantly people, procedures, data, development and security. An information system produces information that helps with decision making.

Scoping Report Format

You need to download the report template file available from VUColl and use it to prepare your report. Your report should show your tutor that you have researched the topic, applied it to the case study and have argued a direction the business should take. We are not expecting detailed computer specifications in the report. But you should be able to relate the things you have found about these systems to the various components of information systems. You will need to discuss and provide four recommendations in the scoping report.

Recommendation 1 – Type of eCommerce system

Recommendation 2 – Functionality and costing the selected eCommerce system

Recommendation 3 – Cloud utilisation in the eCommerce system

Recommendation 4 – Outline of Implementation Issues


On day 10 & 11 you will present a draft and then final ppt and presentation outlining your findings. The aim of the presentation is twofold: to show that you understand what you have written in the report, and that you can convince a panel that your recommendations are appropriate.

Answer preview

The main products and services which will be taken online are sales and customer base management. These are considered as the main objects which will be utilized to enhance the competitiveness of the organization in the backdrop of increased competition within the market. The organization needs to being offering its sales in an online platform as a way of seeking to reach more people (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). Within the modern market set-up, online retailing has become a key trend adopted by various organizations targeting young, tech-savvy consumers. Through the online platforms, linking with the social media will be a critical component that can be utilized to reach the customers.

Word count: 1212