Recommendation on Improving Performance Management Process

My part is the bolded one

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to increase learners’ comprehension of the performance management process.

Each team member should pick his or her own organization where he or she currently works or an organization he or she know well.

Please refer to the resources below to assist with the assignment.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Human Resource ManagementSupplemental Resources.

Design a set of 10 questions, as a team, to ask a manager from the organization to gain an understanding of the performance management process.

Interview a manager from the organization.

Discuss your findings as a team.

Create a 1,050-word report, including:

Summarize the team’s discussion.

Evaluate the need for performance management improvement.

Recommend ways the performance management process could be improved, if needed, in each organization.

Explain how necessary performance management process improvement(s) will be implemented.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Answer Preview

One of the mistakes that managers do is to engage in guided approaches to explore the employees’ weaknesses and strengths to help draft a strategic approach towards meeting their performance objectives according to the organizational set goals (Bluedrop Performance Learning, 2012).

Word Count:305