Reconciliation in Torre Strait Islander and Aboriginal


Reconciliation in Torre Strait Islander and Aboriginal


Write a discussion paper on reconciliation in Torre Strait Islander and Aboriginal

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Similarly, as the picture signifies, reconciliation, concerning Australia and its people, Australian settlement has therefore identified four key interrelated dimensions about reconciliation concerning this picture. This dimension includes equity and equality, which denotes equal participation in all walks of life and activities. Secondly, race relations which signify the need for a positive relationship between Torre Strait Islander and Aboriginal, which is based upon respect and trust (Gray, 2018). Third, institutional integration, which entails society, business, and political institutions’ support, which goes on one to uphold their goals and structures (Hunt, & Smith, 2018).  Lastly, unity among the two parties can be enhanced through sharing available resources to ensure equality, where inequality leads to the rise of community differences, thus requiring reconciliation. In summation, the four reconciliation shall aid upon building a positive relationship between Torre Strait Islander and Aboriginal.

Word Count: 400