Reconstruction- The Second Civil War


Reconstruction – The Second Civil War


Watch Reconstruction: The Second Civil War and then answer the following questions below.

  1. What did the following individuals and factions want Reconstruction to accomplish?
    1. Abraham Lincoln
    2. Andrew Johnson
    3. Radical Republicans
    4. Democrat Party/South
    5. Freed people
  2. What did freed people want out of Reconstruction? What kind of freedoms did they want? What kind of responsibilities did they want?
  3. How did the Democrat South resist Reconstruction?
  4. What were some examples of the North forcing Reconstruction on the South
  5. In your opinion, was Reconstruction a success or failure? Why?

Answer preview

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the Proclamation of Amnesty and reconstruction; he based his plea for forgiveness on the premise that the south had never officially seceded and rallied a call for unity and forgiveness in the union.

The reconstruction plan brought forth by Andrew Johnson aimed at allowing the whites in the south have a say over whether they wanted to own slaves or not but at the same time prohibited blacks from engaging in politics.

Word count: 468