Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project


Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project (Work Breakdown Structure)


Unit V Project 1

Developing a Project Scope Statement

Using the Project Scope Statement template provided, use the Running Case on pages 220-221 of the textbook to complete the following task for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Use the attached Project 1 Template.

Develop a project scope statement for the project. Be as specific as possible in describing product characteristics and requirements as well as all of the project’s deliverables. Include testing and training as part of the project scope. Submit your project scope statement.


Unit V Project 2

Creating a WBS and Gantt Chart

Using the project WBS template provided, use the Running Case on pages 220-221 of the textbook to complete the following task for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Use the attached Project 2 Template.

Develop a WBS for the project. Break down the work to level three or level four as appropriate. Base your WBS on the project charter created in Unit IV, the project scope statement created for this unit, and any other information you feel relevant. Use your WBS to create a Gantt chart using your choice of project management software (Microsoft Project or ProjectLibre). Do not enter any task durations or dependencies at this time. Submit your completed WBS file and your Gantt chart file as one document; please see the instructions below regarding how to insert your Gantt chart into your WBS file.

To add your Gantt chart to your Microsoft Word document containing the WBS, you will need to take a screenshot of the Gantt chart open in Microsoft Project or ProjectLibre; you will then be able to paste the screenshot into the Microsoft Word document. To capture a screenshot, simply press the “Prt Sc” or “Print Screen” button in the top, right-hand corner ofyour keyboard; you can then place your cursor in the Microsoft Word document, right-click, and select “Paste” to add the screenshot of the Gantt chart at the end of the WBS. Tip: If you hold the “Alt” key down when you press “Prt Sc” or “Print Screen,” it will only capture the selected window, hiding your task bar, which is particularly useful if you have more than one monitor. After pasting the screenshot into Microsoft Word, you can crop the image to your liking; however, be careful when resizing the screenshot as the text will be unreadable if too small or distorted.

Answer preview

The project is named Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. It is a company internal intranet website with the primary objective of enhancing worker’s health and improving on their well-being where the company can effectively negotiate lower healthcare insurance premiums for its an employee. MYH, the project company, expect to save not less than $30 per worker annually for the full-time employees.

Word count: 284