



Executive Summary

– The purpose of the report: commissioned for? To do what? – Context/background of the scenario and major issues

– Aims/objectives of report

– Brief description of stakeholders

– Methodology used: Survey description – Major findings & discussion

– Conclusion

Answer preview

The purpose of this report is to examine the benefits, impact, evidences of recycling processes among different stakeholders in any given city. The term ‘recycling’ describes the process of sorting, collecting, and processing materials that have been used for the purpose of creating new goods. The process of recycling is important because it helps to preserve the environment as it reduces wastage. Studies have shown that Australia has the highest rate of recycling (63%) on earth, and is closely followed by Germany (62%) and Singapore (59%). Developing nations do not dedicate sizable funds to government-authorized recycling systems, and so tend to have different types of waste disposal methods in different communities.

Word count: 516