Reflective Writing: Risks at work

Reflective Writing: Risks at work


Individual reflective essay


In this essay, you are required to reflect upon the risk management approach to OHS in light of your group risk management activity and presentation, including any feedback received on your presentation.

Assessment criteria, Assignment 2, individual essay:
• Essay structure
• Quality and clarity of reflection
• Expression, presentation, and referencing

  • Need to be done with at least 10 journal articles or scholarly references in Harvard Style
  • Reflection style writing document has been attached, please write according to that format, DIEP, (describe, interpret, evaluate, plan)
  • Further documents needed have also been attached for reference when writing, ie: feedback document, group risk management presentation, write according to this.


Answer Preview 

senior-level management in organizations needs to understand that risk management is the entire process of prioritizing and identifying risks, updating and monitoring the plan where applicable, coming up with a drafted action plan for every remarkable risk, and sharing the plan with the workforce, and offering training if necessary. As per the Work-Safe Victoria, there are four stages that should be followed to control OHS risks and hazards in organizations and they include identifying hazards, assessing risks, controlling risks and hazards, and checking controls.


Length: 1, 000 words