Refutation Essay: Why I Disagree With Political Policy on Gun Control

Refutation Essay: Why I Disagree With Political Policy on Gun Control


For this assignment, you will be writing a 2-3 page refutation essay that addresses and refutes a viewpoint that opposes your own.

This essay must contain an introduction that engages the reader and presents a thesis statement, and a body that summarizes the opposing views makes concessions (if necessary), challenges the opposing views, and presents a different perspective or new approach if appropriate.

It must also contain a conclusion that restates the thesis and looks to the future and transitions between sections as well as between individual ideas within paragraphs.

Answer Preview 

Gun control policies in the United States are weaker than in other countries.  In addition, the government does not undertake safety tests to validate the control policies. While different countries try to implement stringent laws at the local and county levels, gun owners often violate these laws by crossing state borders given that each state operates under different policies (Aronow & Miller, 2016).

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