Refuting the Statement “Corporate social responsibility initiatives are implemented solely for the purpose of improving an organization’s public image”


Refuting the Statement “Corporate social responsibility initiatives are implemented solely for the purpose of improving an organization’s public image”


Please select one of the following questions:

  1. Corporate social responsibility initiatives are implemented solely for the purpose of improving an organisations’ public image. Discuss using examples.


  1. Is participation in the ‘gig economy’ inherently negative for workers? Why/why not?



  1. Autonomous grassroots groups lack leadership. Discuss using examples.


  1. Will ‘the fourth industrial revolution’ lead to the loss of jobs to automation and/or artificial intelligence? While answering this question evaluate the validity of predictions and estimations that you discuss. [Please note: you can respond to this question by focusing on automation OR artificial intelligence, or by focusing on both]


Answer Preview 

Origins of applying social components as part of the corporate behavior traces back to the laws of ancient Rome, with much of the evidence notable from the cases supporting orphans, asylums, and fraternities for the old and the poor (Agudelo, Jóhannsdóttir, and Davídsdóttir, 2019). Initially, as Agudelo et al explains, the concept of corporations being perceived as social enterprises was firmly practiced under the English Law, which was reflected largely in religious, academic, and municipal institutions during the Middle Ages. However, the concept would advance later, particularly during 16th-17th centuries, under English Crown’s influence, which had produced legal perspectives in seeing corporations as social development instruments. Even further, the conquering of new lands by the English Empire in the following centuries would extend the recognition of CSR under corporate law on the newfound American colonies, such legal position directing corporations to function as entities of social development practices. At a significantly influential state, the role of corporate law in their ancient Rome and English regimes prove that part of the reasons for organizations to engage on CSR initiatives to fulfill legal requirement in a particular market.

Word Count: 1700