Regan’s and Singer’s Philosophy on Moral Rights


Regan’s and Singer’s Philosophy on Moral Rights


Write a philosophy paper on Regan’s and Singer’s Philosophy on Moral Rights

Answer each question in approximately 2-4 paragraphs.

  • Tom Regan argues that animals have inherent value. What is the basis of an individual’s inherent value (whether human or animal) according to Regan? Do you think that the reasons Regan provide for an animal’s inherent value give us sufficient reason to not use animals for food or research? Why or why not? [make sure to talk about both of these ways in which we use animals]


  • Peter Singer uses “the child drowning in the shallow pond” example to defend his claim that “if it is within our power to prevent something bad from happening, without compromising anything of equal moral significance, then we ought to”. Explain the example of the drowning child. Do you think that Singer is correct in that there is no difference between a drowning child and a child dying of preventable disease in a developing country far away? Why or why not? [Remember, it appears that we have a moral responsibility to help the child in the shallow pond]


  • Thomson argues that the only time a mother (or couple) is morally responsible for a fetus, is when they take on the moral responsibility of having a child. Until they do that, the mother (couple) does not have a moral responsibility to have the child. Do you think she is correct or not? Why?
  • A) If you think she is correct, what would you say about a couple who doesn’t decide to terminate the pregnancy until the 12th/13th week? Would this matter?


  • B) If you don’t think she is correct, what would you say about a couple that decides to get pregnant, then change their minds because of some unforeseen event, but come to find out they are pregnant shortly after? Why wouldn’t it be ok to terminate the pregnancy within the first 2 weeks for example?

[You only have to answer A or B. The question you answer depends on what your response to the first question is]

  • How do you think this class can improve? What aspects do you think helped you the most? Rank the following topics from most interesting to least interesting: A) World Poverty, B) Abortion, C) Animal Rights, D) Immigration, E) Free Speech, F) Permissibility of Procreation.

Answer Preview 

Hence, the basis of an individual’s inherent value (whether human or animal) according to Regan is that both have ends-in-themselves, meaning that they have a right to live without the fear of having their life interfered with due by one group. The same manners in which humans are accorded respect are not treated as a means to an end by other animals should be treated the same way. Hence, in my opinion, Regan does give sufficient reason not to use animals for food or research, the rationale for this is that they have inherent value the same as that given to humans. Thus, they should not be used as a means to an end for humans, as is the case today. For instance, in order for a drug to be administered on humans, it has first to be tested on animals, which is interfering with the animal’s inherent value to be respected and to enjoy life until they die. Humans have the ability to look for other means of food, as consuming animals would mean that they do not respect their inherent values.

Word Count: 1000