Regan’s The Case of Animal Rights


Regan’s The Case of Animal Rights


Discuss Regan’s case of Animal Rights.

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Regan (1983), in his book ‘ The Case of Animal Rights’ asserts that animals have an intrinsic value meaning that animals same as human beings should be allowed to live their life to the fullest. Regan’s position is based on the Kantian theory, which proposes that every subjects-of- a -life have an intrinsic value and for that reason,  such  subjects should be cared for as ends-in themselves and on no account as a means to an end.  He further asserts that even though being a subject-of-a-life is a satisfactory condition for possessing intrinsic value, the latter is not an essential one, because a person may not be the subject-of -a-life; nevertheless, they still own some inherent value.

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