Religion and World construction & Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844


Religion and World construction & Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844


Critical Reading Reflection – Religion and World construction & Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

Step 1) Read : “Religion and World Construction” by Berger (pp. 3-28) . Try not to focus too much on the religion part, but more on the “world construction part” .

Step 2) Read Marx’s “Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (Estranged Labor section only !!!!)” (p 28-35)

Step 3) Do a critical reflection comparing both texts .

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In Religion and World construction, the author presents the argument the human existence is subject to certain externalities which continuously develop social worlds into which humans are socialized and ordered (Berger, 2011). Religion is presented, within the context of the text, as one of the main means through which the social world is constructed. Socialization among human beings, whether through religion or other means, is considered to be the beginning of world construction.

Word count: 628