Research paper: Criticism of Sigmund Freud child developmental psychology theories


Research paper: Criticism of Sigmund Freud child developmental psychology theories


Write a Research paper Criticism of Sigmund Freud child developmental psychology theories

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Freud came up with the term Oedipus complex to bring up a stage in the development of boys. In his argument, Freud argues that at some age, infants tend to wish for love from their mothers; hence the possessiveness makes them resent and the unconscious wish for the death of their fathers. However, this argument has been criticized by Dr. C. Boeree who claims that his theory was only meant to bring him prominence and isolation from the conventional medical profession. Freud argued that those people who were around Freud were mere sympathizers because Freud would reject those who opposed him. Thus, making the Oedipus complex a threat to human civilization (Ahmed).

Moreover, Freud started his psychology career after a successful treatment of hysteria which he deemed as being caused by a sexual desire. However, these remarks were challenged by his mentor Dr. Breuer. In his childhood development psychology, Freud has clearly made an assumption of the brain functions and its division. He strongly advocated for the unconscious versus conscious mind hypothesis. In his argument, Freud suggests that the conscious mind is what an individual is aware of, for instance, memories, feelings, fantasies, thoughts, and perceptions amongst others. On the other hand, he argues that the pre-conscious mind is what narrowly connects with the conscious mind (Ahmed).

Word Count: 2800