Research Paper on Woman’s Film and Female Spectatorship


Research Paper on Woman’s Film and Female Spectatorship


You have two related assessments this term: the Research Portfolio, and the Research Project. You
will need to choose one topic for the Research Portfolio and follow it through for the Research
Project. I have suggested FOUR topics below, drawn from topics in the course.

You may choose one of these, or you may propose your own, although it must use a text (reading) we have explored
in class, and engage with that text's related topic that we have discussed in class.
Please note: Your final research project can be either an essay or a video essay.

You should choose which format you'd like to use and indicate this as part of your rationale.

Answer Preview

There has been intense criticism that has been advanced by feminists that cinema has all been about the cultural myths that have surrounded women. On the same note, cinema has had a strong focus on masculinity and their superiority against women. Therefore, the feminist film theory comes in handy when trying to explore the concept of woman’s film in the sense that it wishes to defuse specific stereotypes that are associated with women in the film industry (Smelik 2016). The theory emphasizes on the representation and spectatorship that are pivotal to feminism films. It would be noteworthy to consider that the theory discourses on women’s participation and roles in diverse fields of their communities. The feminist film theory attempts to explore the fact that women are no longer confined to a single line of expertise; instead, the presence of female actors is extensively felt (Smelik 2016). Undoubtedly, women filmmakers are not at the same level they were a few decades ago; instead, they have come out strongly to claim their rightful place in the film industry.

The literature feminist film theory is relevant to this discussion since it explores the extent to which women were oppressed by male-dominated film practices in the previous eras. The theory has been instrumental in advocating for the protection of women and the pursuit of equality in the film industry (Penley 2013). Additionally, the subjectivity of women expressing themselves comes out strongly in the objectives of the theory in a bid to claim their rights and interests. Generally, the public has had a different view of women’s attitudes and characters and this situation has influence how female characters are depicted in the films on TVs or cinema screens. Therefore by understanding the feminist film theory, it becomes essential to note that public opinions and criticisms have shaped male and female roles which have consequently led to the development of particular notions (Chamarette 2015).

Word Count: 2600