Response: Employee relations(Response to Jeffrey Hinton)


Response: Employee relations(Response to Jeffrey Hinton)


I need 2 responses
100 words for each response (Attached)

Read Ch. 15 of Human Resource Management.

Consider the following as you read:

  • What is the meaning of employee relations?
  • What is fair disciplinary practices?

Answer preview

I firmly believe in the phrase “You praise and individual in public but you ridicule him or her in private. I think that is leadership 101. Let’s be honest here, no one likes to confront another person, especially a subordinate about unacceptable performance or behaviour in front of nobody.  The downside of this would be the work ethic of the individual will be bad, their morale will diminish and eventually that individual will become confrontational. That is something that you as a leader do not want to happen people will see you as a being not a strong leader and that you don’t know how to handle your people correctly.

Word count: 334