Responsible Management Challenge for Alliance Boots


Responsible Management Challenge for Alliance Boots


Identify ONE major responsible management challenge your case company faces and then
choose which ONE of the following corporate functions studied on the course you consider
most relevant to addressing the challenge and why:
1. marketing,
2. HRM,
3. accounting/controlling, or
4. business information systems.
Analyze this ONE major responsible management challenge (in light of the company’s
strategic business context) and make recommendations for how the company should
address the responsible management challenge through the corporate function you have

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Responsible management seeks to balance business interests with the interests of the larger society including people, the environment, and people. As such, businesses strive to undertake sustainability practices in a bid to protect the environment and create a positive image in the minds of consumers. Consumers wish to associate themselves with sustainability-conscious businesses. For the purpose of this paper, Alliance Boots is examined in the light of sustainability practices. While the company adopts significant sustainability practices, the increasing demand for sustainability products and services poses a major challenge to the reputation of the company. As such, marketing as a corporate function is used to determine how best Alliance Boots can address the sustainability challenge.

Word Count: 2800