Ricardo Semler Leadership


Ricardo Semler Leadership


Drawing on the concepts you have studied on this module, identify and assess Ricardo Semler’s key leadership strengths, weaknesses and challenges, and make recommendations for the current leaders at Semco.
Context: The sources on Ricardo Semler, his organisation (SEMCO) and his country (Brazil), provide the opportunity to discuss the notion of leadership in context.
Answers should be of no more than 1,500 words. (+- 10%, excluding references). The answer should take the form of a properly structured short essay.

Essential contents:
1. Overview: Your piece must include a very brief overview of the case – based on supplied/suggested sources (see at the end of this brief), and any other sources you find helpful to make your argument. In that short overview you should also highlight the theoretical concepts and perspectives which you consider relevant to analyse the case.
2. In your analysis and discussion of the case, you must make reference to specific concepts studied on this module. (
3. In your assignment you MUST WORK with Avolio et al. (2009). This article gives an overview of different approaches to leadership, which should help you in your analysis.
4. Recommendations for the future. Given the changing nature of Semco’s business model, what recommendations do you have for the future leadership approach in this company?

Answer preview

Ricardo Semler holds the position of CEO for Semco (machines and equipment manufacturer) Company from Brazil. The CEO is the face of the company and he has had an illustrious managerial stint at the company due to his leadership approach. Ricardo is credited for his role in maintaining the productivity of the company as well as winning several accolades for himself. The exceptional leadership he possesses is evident from the various awards he has received and for the managerial role at the company. Ricardo has a reputable name stemming from the innovative business management skills that he has contributed to the world business.

Leadership approach is a key pillar of success in any company and it forms a bedrock upon which constructive policies are laid to steer a company to its growth (Avolio et al., 2009). The kind of leadership applied in a company is pivotal for the amount of productivity achieves. In this context, Semco Company hugely benefits from the leadership style of Ricardo in its quest to establish itself as the world’s best industrial manufacture. However, Ricardo has weaknesses which derail his chances of becoming a top notch manager. In this regard, a recommendation will be provided so that the CEO can become polished and discharge his duties flawlessly.

Word count: 1713