Role and Function of Law in Global Business


Role and Function of Law in Global Business (A Case of Cosmetic Industry)


2.5 pages in APA format.

Purpose of Assignment

Law impacts how business operations perform. With globalization, the law’s impact and corresponding business risks have grown. The student will learn to consider how and when a business risk should be pursued under traditional litigation (lawsuit, answer, and discovery) and where alternative dispute resolution methods are appropriate in both domestic and international disputes.

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Legal Environment of Business: Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and Global Issues:  Ch. 1, Ch. 2 (pp. 23-32), Ch. 3, Ch. 4 and Ch. 26; sites such as: Public Library of Law, Law Library of Congress, and Justia Virtual Chase law database

Select a business or industry with which you are familiar and, in a minimum of 700 words, excluding title and reference pages, develop an analysis including the following:

  • Identify at least two ways the U.S. legal system affects that business or industry.
  • Examine the risks that business or industry encounters when dealing with traditional litigation, (suit, answer, discovery, trial) and what measures business managers can take to reduce exposure to those risks.
  • Choose a global/international business dispute from your business or industry, then compare and contrast one form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) with traditional litigation with regard to that dispute, and recommend which method is preferred and why. 

Cite a minimum of three scholarly references. One scholarly reference must be from the University Library. 

Answer preview

Occurring as one of the most competitive and changing sector, cosmetics is predominantly a complex industry with immense competitiveness involving small, medium, and large organizations. U.S. government has introduced a legal system that allows extensive control of such complex industry. Two of the laws enacted to control the complexity of the industry include Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and Lanham Act (Kim, 2014 and U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2017). Although both FDCA and Lanham Act are, in some areas, complimentary, the laws are set to cover all possible areas that include fairness in competition as well as safety of cosmetic consumers.

Word count: 975