Roles And Norms-Differences and Importance


Roles And Norms-Differences and Importance


  1. Describe the differences between roles and norms.
  2. Discuss the importance of roles and norms within an organization.
  3. What are a few norms that you have experienced in your own organization? Are these norms beneficial?

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An organization will function better if the members have specific roles to play. Roles in an organization therefore help avoid conflicts due to confusion of roles each member is supposed to play. Norms on the other hand are important as setting the basis for developing a unique corporate culture. Roles are also responsible for creating the organizational norms, or simply, unique ways of doing things. Norms in an organization also plays the role of governing how members behave, think and make judgment of situations. Roles also play the role of specialization of duties in the organization, which gives rise to internal control and framework of cooperation. Norms are good for an organization as it creates a uniform image that is presented to customers and visitors to the organization (Allan, 57). Roles are important because it gets the job done in the organization. Roles also help management to set expectations for their employees.

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