Rules and regulations governing the Chinese TV commercials as part of the Advertising Industry and the significance of the legal department in the industry


Rules and regulations governing the Chinese TV commercials as part of the Advertising Industry and the significance of the legal department in the industry


Critically evaluate an aspect of the regulation of media and communication practice in a jurisdiction of your choice. You should address:

(a)    A brief and succinct survey of the media landscape of your chosen jurisdiction: platforms, audiences, technologies (internet penetration, mobile telephony penetration). Max 300 words.

(b)    Laws, regulations and codes relevant to the issue you have chosen.

(c)    Both laws and cultural practices which promote or limit the freedom of expression, in particular,

(i)  Contitutional or legislative guarantees of freedom of speech;

(ii)  Legislative constraints on freedom of expression (such as national security laws; “free trade” agreements, blasphemy laws);

(iii)  Legislation which promotes transparency, such as FOI.

(iv)  Prospects for change.

Your written submission should be in the form of a 2000word report with academic references. Chicago Manual of Style is the required referencing style.

Your report should be uploaded to TurnItIn in a pdf format. The file name should be YOUR FAMILY NAME, given name and the word REPORT. All in capitals. For example: HARRISONJOHNREPORT.

Your report should have a cover page containing your full name, your student number, and the title of your report. Your report should have page numbers. The references should be in alphabetical order according to the Chicago Manual of Style.


Answer Preview 

The Chinese market that has constantly changed to accommodate traders and consumers from across the world, thus often adopt western principles of advertising to attract more trade in its market.[1] To maintain its influence and participation at the global business platform China has been forced to emulate modernity, especially from the western countries. As a result, TV advertising dates back to the late 1970s when advertising was visual but through simple means.[2] Most adverts of the day focused more on the product. However, the evolution in this industry has introduced other inclusions to appeal and attract the consumers to buy the product or service such as sex appeal and celebrity endorsement, and testimonies.[3]

According to Crow, more consumers’ studies revealed that customers did not take the time to read the text instead preferred the visual presentations on TV.[4] The arrival of international advertising agencies saw the introduction of modern day advertising through screen media radio, television, and online streams. Their application of new models of advertising thus resulted in the current adverting that begun in China’s major cities and later trickled down to rural China.

Word Count: 2800