



Understanding what sampling is and how to properly select a sample for your proposed research study is the backbone of understanding research methods. Researchers use a sample of the population on which to conduct their research and they are able to make valid generalizations about the entire population. By being able to explain why and how they chose their samples, researchers can justifiably state how the results of their research can be applied to the larger population.

Defining a sample is not quite as easy as it may appear. Researchers have to determine how to prepare a sample, which includes defining the sample component and the population, evaluating the generalizability of the sample, and assessing the diversity of the sample.  Next, they have to determine what sampling methods to use and decide between probability samples and non-probability samples.

Understanding the concept of sampling is one of the most important aspects of mastering research methods. It is one of the MOST important chapters in this book and this course. No doubt, you will come across the concept of sampling again and again throughout your academic career and your life.

This Assignment:

For this assignment, you will be given 15 short-answer questions. By short answer questions, what is meant is to write the answer in one or more, well-organized, short paragraphs. Write as though you were writing a paper in APA style, and include citations and a reference page.  Naturally, you will also include a cover page in APA style.

Answer Preview 

  1. When the sample is homogeneous, do we need to sample to complete the study? Why or why not?

A homogenous population would still undertake sampling to complete the research. While the individuals within the population might all have the same characteristics required, sampling becomes critical in ensuring that not all people participate in the research. In the case of a homogenous population, a relatively small sample can be used and yield valid results. Non-probability sampling methods like convenient sampling can be applied in this context based on the researcher’s requirements (Creswell, 2013). Sampling would be necessitated by researcher-influenced factors like the time available for undertaking the research and other factors, but it remains essential to undertake a sampling process if the target population is large.

Word Count: 2500