Saved by Faith Alone


Saved by Faith Alone


  1. What did Luther mean when he said we are saved by faith alone?
  2. What were the repercussions of this belief regarding the nature of faith, the role of the church, and the relationship of church and state?

Answer Preview 

As a priest, Luther talked of righteousness which meant being justified. To be justified implied to be free of every form of accusation. People could have attained justification by doing good or taking actions that would lift the blame or through accepting the righteousness of God. According to Luther, people could not work for their forgiveness. There is nothing they would virtually do to attain the forgiveness apart from believing that they have been forgiven by God.   For one to claim any justification, they then must have believed that their wrongdoing has been forgiven. The power to declare one justified was only with God and no one could have been able to do anything worth the forgiveness (Fiero, 2016).

Word Count: 650