Saving Costs –The Mississippi Medical Center


Saving Costs –The Mississippi Medical Center


Scenario: Your company is facing major pay-cuts and has to work with $300,000 budget. With this budget, you and your employees are responsible to come up with a plan to save money and bring money back into the company. Some expenses may include employees salaries, bonuses, insurance, security of building, water, gas and electric, janitorial services, travel expenses, and office supplies.

The goal: As a group, your goal is to save money for the company. What are some examples that your company will distribute company expenses? Will your company terminate an employee’s position or try to save it? Spend wisely, make every cent count.

Answer preview

Our privately owned hospital-Mississippi Medical center was founded by Stephen Jay in the year 2004 and, it is located in the State of Mississippi-Southern United States. The hospital is located at a 3-kilometre distance from Vicksburg national Military Park. The Medical Centre offers counseling services, laboratory services and inpatient and outpatient health care services and, we have $ 300,000 to cater for operating costs with a deficit of $ 80,000. The deficit has prompted the move to adopt the slogan “Let work together” in the attempts to save and bring money into the private health facility.

Word count: 1417