School Psychologist-Based Personality and Behavior Assessment


School Psychologist-Based Personality and Behavior Assessment


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Splett, Fowler, Weist, McDaniel, & Dvorsky (2013), Stinnett, Bui, & Capaccioli, (2013), and  Kosher, Jiang, Ben-Arieh, & Huebner, (2014) articles,  and review Chapters 10 through 13 in your textbook.
For this discussion, you will be taking on the role of the school psychologist in a public middle school. In this role, you will facilitate the evaluation of a student based on psychoeducational personality assessments, mental status exam, and observations of the student to make recommendations to the education team consisting of yourself, school counselors, and teachers who work with the student. Carefully review the PSY615: Week Three School Psychologist-Based Personality and Behavior Assessment Scenario .
In your initial post:
  • Examine the personality assessment instrument used in the scenario and research a peer-reviewed article in the Ashford University Library on this personality assessment.
  • Using the required articles as well as your researched article to support your statements, describe the standard use of this personality assessment.
  • Based on the scenario, evaluate the reliability, validity, and cultural considerations inherent to the personality assessment used and comment on the relevance of these elements within the scenario.
  • Analyze and describe some of the potential ethical issues which might arise from the use of this personality assessment in the given scenario.
  • Provide information from your research regarding the use of the personality measure, and assess the value of other possible instruments that could be added to create a more complete assessment of the student in the scenario.

Answer Preview 

The standard use of MMPI-A is to assess and conclude on the adolescent’s case description, validity considerations, smptomatic behavior and behavioral stability, diagnostic considerations, interpersonal relations, and treatment considerations in a more improved measurement of behavior difficulties, nature of personality, and psychopathology of the patient. MMPI-A is predominantly effective on adolescents because it incorporates denoting of possibility and state of psychological symptoms correlative to common behavior of deviant direction among the age group. The instrument is embedded on 15 categories item-level indicators offering general consideration of the highly notable response from the adolescents general population, including anxiety, conduct problems, aggression, depression/suicidal ideation, substance use/abuse, family problems, school problems, hallucinatory experiences, self-denigration, eating problems, sexual concerns, unusual thinking, somatic complaints, cognitive problems, and paranoid ideation.

Word Count: 450