Scoping Report of Barry’s Bean


Scoping Report of Barry’s Bean


Write a Scoping Report of Barry’s Bean. Include an executive summary, background of the client industry, recommendation and conclusion.

The Executive Summary is just that, a summary of the report. Its purpose it to provide a brief
overview of the case study problem, what you discovered and what you recommend. This
section should appear on a page by itself. This is the last section you write for the report not the

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Barry’s Bean is a Multi-strand business involving selling and distribution of coffee beans, the management of retail coffee houses and the sale and maintenance of coffee machines. The Cafes and coffee shops industry is shown in figure 1.1 we can see that the industry as a whole has revenue of approximately $3.8 billion with annual growth previously at 5.1% and projected to be 1.1% over the next five years. There are 14,286 businesses similar to Barry’s Beans making the cafe and coffee shop market extremely competitive in the future. (Bao Vuong, 2018)

Word count: 2016

Slide count: 5