Security Concerns in IPv6 and Transition Networks


Security Concerns in IPv6 and Transition Networks


Please respond to the following discussion.

IPv6, NAT, and Security

Please read the following articles in the Readings and Resources folder and discuss the following:

Is NAT hindering the transition to IPv6?

Are there any security concerns for transitioning to IPv6?

What is your opinion about IPv6?


Security Concerns in IPv6 and Transition Networks

Slow move to IPv6 giving NAT a new life

Do we really need to have IPv6 when Nat conserves address space and aids security?

Answer Preview 

As with IPv4, IPv6 is subject to attacks such as viruses, reconnaissance, spoofing, denial of service and worms, among others (Chasser, 2010). Although transitioning to IPv6 is necessary, improper transitioning might expose what was previously secured under the IPv4 network.  The distinctions of IPv6 protocol would be perplexing to network administrators as handle more complex IP addresses, changing CPE standards, ICMPv6 message passing and increasing mobile users. Most security architects need to understand the new IPv6 protocol, wart and the related translation techniques in order to design and maintain a sustainable translation solution.

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