Security Council urges conditions that allow safe return of Rohingya refugees


Security Council urges conditions that allow safe return of Rohingya refugees


Discuss the events in the news article given.

Title of News Article: Security Council urges conditions that allow safe return of Rohingya refugees


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The United Nations is a global organization formed in 1945 with the objectives of protecting and maintaining international order and promoting cooperation between different countries. The organization was formed as a successor to the previous League of Nations which failed to prevent World War II from happening, and therefore, proved ineffective and there was need for a replacement. The organization is funded by the member countries voluntarily. When it was founded, a founding charter that contains some of the principles of the organization was also made and is used to guide the organization in its purposes and tasks. UN is dedicated to solving some of the problems that might face humanity which includes peace and security, health emergencies, and climate change among other major challenges.

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