Security in Computing Assignment quiz

Security in Computing Assignment quiz


  1. Give an example of the use of physical separation for security in a computing environment.
  2. Give an example of the use of temporal separation for security in a computing
  3. Give an example of an object whose sensitivity may change during execution.
  4. What are some other modes of access that users might want to apply to code or data, in addition to the common read, write, and execute permission?
  5. A directory is also an object to which access should be controlled. Why is it not appropriate to allow users to modify their own directories?

Answer Preview

In physical separation, different physical resources use different processes. Even though its implementation is easy, it is often expensive and inefficient. A scanner is an example of an object where physical separation for security. Different processes are involved in its usage, and for each process, the security level also changes. There is a need to ensure the scanner is secure from all access that is unrelated. It is at the physical level that the operating system is separated to show that for different objects,

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