Security In Computing: Chapters Three and Four.

Question Five- One way to limit the effect of an untrusted program is confinement: controlling what processes have access to the untrusted program and what access the program has to other processes and data. Explain how confinement would apply to the earlier example of the program that computes the sum of the integers 1 to 10.

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If the program computes the sum of the integers 1 to 10, then the confining program will function as a filter between the untrusted program and the callers. Due to the confining process, the calling program would be unable to access the summation program. In addition, the confining process would establish the answer as 55 (the sum of integers between 1 and 10). Realistically, the confining program would test for reasonability within the computation process by taking into consideration the values of different system variables, the scale of input values, and the calling program’s owner or name (Pfleeger, Pfleeger & Marguiles, 2015). Securityin Compuing Chapters Three and Four