The State of Security in Control Systems Today

The State of Security in Control Systems Today


This is the discussion board for the subject “Incidence response and handling”,

I want to emphasize on 4 topics of the article attached. The 4 topics are:

– Organizational Readiness,

– Contingency Strategies,

– Incident Response.

– Next, you were to comment on improvements as a Security Consultant.

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Organizational readiness is the first step towards incidence response and handling of security threats for internal control systems (Zainol, Nelson, & Malami, 2012). According to the findings of the survey (SANS Institute, 2015), organizational readiness to handling threats appears to be inadequate. It is evident from the results that most of the organizations hold insignificant training on particular control systems. Although most of the respondents have certification in security training, it does not translate correctly to that of internal control system environment.

Length: 600 words

Format: APA