Self-Concept(Display & Performing Identity)


Self-Concept(Display & Performing Identity)


  1. For this task it is CRITICAL that you use the lecture notes. For each question below I have listed the relevant lecture – please read! I will check that the lecture notes have been used.
  2. For each question, do NOT write introduction, do NOT write conclusion. Just go straight to the question.
  3. Must use THEORY – look at lectures.

Answer Preview 

Human’s sense of self involves a continuous practice created and transitioning in everyday life, a theoretical assertion explaining self-concept. In most cases, if one is asked to describe himself, there is possibility to do so by making fabrications of impressions embedded on political, cultural, and economic world that surrounds him or her (Tice, 1992). However, as we learned from the study on self-concept theory, there is no specific definition of self identity because people behaviours are bound to change in the verge of adjusting oneself to fit in different social contexts. One of the explanations of the indefinite state of defining one’s self is by considering individuality as built-up of a fragmented self. Under this perspective, it is implicated that it is impossible to make an absolute definition of who a person is because we are always subject to repressing aspects in our lives that we lack the urge to confront (Gecas, 1982). In an attempt for people to define themselves, the most obvious outcome is that they will focus on attributing themselves based on the socio-political and economic features that create values on what we are, while avoiding engagement of the repressed aspects of oneself as part of they are.

Word Count; 1600