Setting up a new division of Cisco Company in England


Setting up a new division of Cisco Company in England


Case study scenario: You are a manager in a large global technology company who has been sent to England to set up a new division of the business initially with British staff. Prepare a management report for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the business giving your recommendations on the following:
Section one:
The management model and organisational structure that should be chosen for your new division. Explain the reasons for your choice
Section two:
The leadership style and methods of motivation that should be used. Explain why you think these will work with the mainly British staff.
1200 words total

1. Introduction
2. Background
a. This should include the name of your business, an explanation of what it does, and a description of the division of the business that you will set up in England.

3. Management model and structure
a. Model recommended and reasons for choice
b. Organisational structure recommended and reasons for choice.
4. Leadership and motivation methods
a. Leadership style recommended and reasons for choice
b. Methods of motivation recommended and reasons for choice
5. Conclusion
6. Appendices
7. References

Answer preview

As companies seek growth, global expansion becomes the most opportune moment to achieve such mission (Boddy, 2014). Establishing a particular line of products to offer in the new country should be strategically done. As Cisco desires to expand into England, it intends to develop its activities in the internet category especially the WAN (Wide Area Networks). Therefore, management and organizational structure chosen must be in tandem with the company’s objectives as well as resources (Vidgen et al., 2017). Since the company is a global conglomerate, a hierarchical structure would be ideal for the company. A technological firm has plenty of decisions to make, therefore, democratic leadership will engage all technical expertise in decision-making.

Word count: 1853