Seven Elements of Interior Design

Seven Elements of Interior Design


Familiarise yourself with the work of interior designers or interiors designed by architects discussed within the module text.

Total word count: Maximum 1000 words

Research one of these designers or architects in-depth and present an illustrated report on the utilization of the seven design elements in their work.

Present your report creatively, showing consideration for the design styles used by your chosen designer.

You may find it helpful to research a range of designers and architects design styles in order to widen your understanding of presentation techniques and methods

Designers provided.

Contemporary – light – John Lawson

Contemporary colour- Ghislaine vinas

Contemporary textur – Fernandez Marquez

Contemporary furniture – Philippe starch

  1. Ability to demonstrate an awareness of those elements that affect interior design. (Space, light, form, color, texture, furniture, and objects) – These are the 7 elements
  2. ii) Please put the 3 references below into the correct Harvard referencing format Must be Havard
  3. Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Interior Design Directory Elizabeth Wilhilde 2009 London
  4. Designing Exhibitions Giles Velarde Second Edition Ashgate Publishing Ltd 2001 Aldershot
  5. Jerri Farris Kitchens and baths for today and tomorrow 2008 Minneapolis Creative Publishing International, Inc

Answer preview

As interior designers do not typically determine room dimensions, the design ought to utilize the available space. A space that is filled with objects and other items gives a positive space while an empty space gives an impression of negative space (Velarde, 2001, p. 35). John Lawson maintained equilibrium…..

Word count; 1,100