Sex and Gender


Sex and Gender


Chapter 9 went into a great deal of detail pertaining to the gendering of work and the gender inequality that results.  This is important, because we are all affected by this in either a negative or positive way at sometime in our lives.  For this discussion, we will think about gendered work.

1. List at least 5 jobs that you see as “male gendered” and 5 jobs that you see as “female gendered”.  Why are these jobs gendered in such a way?

2. What is your current job? Is this job typically seen as gendered? Why? Is your job stereotypically seen as “gendered” for your gender? If you do not have a job right now, discuss a job that you would like to have.

3. If you had the opportunity to hold a job that is typically seen as “gendered” for the gender opposite your own, which job would hold? Why? (example: a woman who would like to be a firefighter or man who would like to be a nurse)

4. Tell us about a time when you feel that your gender either helped or hindered you at work, or perhaps a time when you felt discriminated against or harassed at work due to your gender.  Provide as many or few details as you feel comfortable with.

Answer preview

In many workplaces, some types of jobs are best handled by men while others are handled by women. For this purpose some jobs are seen as female gendered while others are considered as male gendered. For example, some jobs like nursing, House help, Receptionist, Cashier and Librarian are mostly occupied by women where as mechanic, electricians, fire fighters, sports jobs and Military jobs. Reasons for the female gendered jobs are because they fit them the most. For example in the case of a house help, women know how to deal with house chores and children unlike men who would look awkward in this jobs. The same case applies to the male gendered jobs where it is not easy to see a woman working in the fire fighting department.

Word count: 437