Sexism and racism in the African American community


Sexism and racism in the African American community


Understanding our communities is an important part of all levels of practice in the social work profession. Community Assessments allow social work professionals to evaluate the strengths and challenges in a community. By focusing on a few key areas, students will understand how to apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment to issues of ageism, sexism, genderism, racism, and classism in community settings.
Choose a community you are familiar with. The community should be a physical community (as opposed to an on-line or social community).

Identify at least two “-isms” they you use to assess the community. Ageism, Sexism, Genderism, Racism, Classism, Ableism…

Assessment will consist of looking for and documenting instances where the community:
1. Protects individuals, groups, and organizations from discrimination based on the “-isms” chosen
2. Engages in or appears to engage in discrimination based on “-isms”
3. Actively works (through organizations, statements, advertising, etc.) toward diversity and inclusion

The assessment will be written and submitted as an organized report and reflection.

PART 1- Outline for report: (3 pages)

Community Selected:
-Why are you selecting this community?
-Describe the selected community. Where is the community located?
-Population, Demographics, Socioeconomic, Race, Religion (The US Census would be a great resource)
-Are there any key characteristics of the population/community?
-Are there significant factors affecting the community on a large scale?
Exploration of Isms
-What two isms will you explore in the community?
Define each of the isms separately and expand on what they mean. If you use an actual definition expand further to explain the ism in your own words as well.

Community Assessment Assignment:

-How will you research/explore the isms? Will you speak to community members or agencies?

-Identify and discuss specific ways the “community” protects individuals, groups, and organizations from discrimination based on the 2 “-isms” chosen.
-Identify and discuss ways in which the “community” engages in, or appears to engage in, discrimination based on the 2 “-isms” chosen.
-Identify and discuss ways in which the “community” actively works toward diversity and inclusion. (This might be through organizations, statements, advertising, etc.)

-Discuss your reaction to the data found from this assignment.
-What stood out? Anything surprising?
-Was it difficult to identify examples of isms in the community? Was it easy?
-Your reactions/thoughts/feelings towards the data found in the 3 different sections of the assessment.
-As a social worker how is the community assessment data important? What can this report be used for?

PART 2- Small group reflection:
-Write a 3 paragraph reflection on your thoughts/feelings following the group discussion. What resonated with you from what was shared by others in the small group discussion?

Answer preview

African American community or Black Americans in Montgomery, Alabama are a community of individuals that have gone through a lot, as depicted in the history books.   The rationale for exploring this community is that they provide a proper example, of how the society relates to issues of racism and sexism.   Moreover, racism is something that has often been discussed, as well as frowned upon by the society; nonetheless, it still exists among many people in the United States. There have been little acceptance of African Americans where the white society often feels  dominant,  considering that the only means African Americans gained access to the  United States was through slavery (Schaffner, MacWilliams & Nteta, 2016).

Word count: 1431