Sexual Harassment at the Workplace (A case of Australia)


Sexual Harassment at the Workplace (A case of Australia)


The purpose of the assignment is to critically analyse a current workplace diversity issue, discussing how the issues refers to relevant anti-discrimination legislation, suggesting how employers and employees may deal with the issue in the workplace and challenges implementation of these measures may encounter.

Task Description
“Something truly powerful happens when victims of sexual violence choose to publicly share their account of harassment and abuse. Some will continue to minimise the violence and blame victims. But movements such as #MeToo and #TimesUp make it difficult to ignore the nature of sexual violence in people’s everyday lives. Approximately one in two Australian women and one in four men experience sexual harassment in their lifetime. One in five women and one in 20 men experience sexual assault.” Powell, A. and Holland, E. Beyond #MeToo, we need bystander action to prevent sexual violence.

Retrieved on 14-2-2018 from
When the #MeToo campaign hit social media in 2017 after the high profile Harvey Weinstein case, it led to the resignation of several high profile arts and media people. While media attention like celebrities public statements can lead to rapid action and reaction, sexual harassment in the workplace is experienced daily by both women and men.
In this essay you are expected to analyse the definition of sexual harassment and identify how it relates to anti-discrimination law. You will further analyse the impact of sexual harassment in the workplace and how it may affect business/organisational productivity. You will then through research suggest and discuss how and with what measures employers and employees may be able to contribute to reducing both the incidences and the impact of sexual harassment.
Justify your discussions and selections with references from the readings or other external academic resources. Where appropriate you may refer to other case studies and practical examples to illustrate your response.

Answer preview

Workplace harassment can be defined as a discriminatory pattern of behavior that forms a hostile work environment that is based on a protected class. Workplace harassment may involve an abuse of power, verbal abuse, and assault for instance, unwanted groping and sexual quid pro quo. Harassment in the workplace violates employment laws that have been formulated to protect employees, as well as ensure that an employer provides a conducive working environment for the employees. Sexual harassment is a workplace issue that is prevalent in most Australian workplaces. Hence, the prevalence of such sexual misconduct, harassment and assault warrants employers to treat the same as a serious safety and health hazard and respond accordingly.

Word count: 2351