Shamanism (Oreqen and Malayan Cultures)


Shamanism (Oreqen and Malayan Cultures)


  • Write 1.5-2.5 pages double-spaced, 3 pages max (375-750 words), references not included.
  • Margins 1”, 12pt font, double-spaced

Your 1st choice is to study and write about spiritual healing, or shamanism.

 Consider this:  Shamanism may be the world’s oldest profession.  Shamans have many functions in a society, as leaders, guides, weatherpersons, etc., but their most important role is as healer.  Shamans heal practically, through their knowledge of medicines, and through the aid of spirits.

Read Ch. 6, section on Shamanism (pp. 128-135 in 4th print ed.) in the textbook.  Feel free to extend your research beyond these sources.

Write a short essay, comparing 2 traditional cultures that practice shamanism. By culture, be specific:  for instance Native Americans is too broad; you need a tribe or nation.

Paper title:  Name 2 cultures in which shamanism is practiced, ancient or modern.  Use this format for your title:  Spiritual Healing:  [Culture 1] and [Culture 2].  Do not use examples from the textbook:  Yakut, Korean, Pentecostals.  Feel free to add an additional (creative) subtitle.

Each bullet point below should be a separate paragraph.

  • Introduction
  • Compare the cultures by discussing  1-2 similarities in what shamans do.
  • Compare the cultures by discussing  1-2 differences in what shamans do.
  • Relate your discussions to the Stein and Stein textbook in some way, pp. 120-126.  Cite pages numbers in parentheses in your text.
  • Shamanism today:  Stein and Stein discusses neo-shamanism.  What do they mean?  Do you think neo-shamanism is a legitimate form of shamanism?
  • Conclusion:  what did you learn?

References:  list all your sources, in APA format.  Minimum is 2 properly formatted scholarly references:  the textbook and an outside source.  Do not use websites, except for online versions of scholarly published sources.

Answer preview

Shamanism describes a religious practice centered on an individual being capable of reaching certain ecstatic religious experiences. The shamans are thought to have power to perform various activities not possible among the other humans including healing and communicating with the underworld. In a more general perspective, the terminology is utilized to describe indigenous groups of people like healers, counselors, religious leaders among others. This deviates from the traditional approach to the understanding of the terminology which was highly restrictive. The practice remains common in many cultures around the world and this article explores the Oreqen and Malayan perspectives of shamanism.

Word count: 599