Smart Home Security


Smart Home Security


Write a proposal about Smart Home Security.

Iteration 1
In iteration 1, you anticipate two or three brainstorming sessions with representatives from each of the three divisions with each session last a maximum of two hours. The session discussions will include identifying current process flow, a gap analysis, gathering process requirements, and communication flow. In addition, the iteration will include compiling, analyzing, and reporting the results of each brainstorming session.
Iteration 2
You expect there will be several one-hour follow up session with each of the division representatives to discuss the outcome of the brainstorming session, clarify information, and gather more detail about their division’s requirements. Again keep this to one or two paragraphs, I encourage you to focus on the big picture.
Iteration 3
This iteration will be a two-hour follow-up meeting with the three division representatives to discuss identified common requirements, possible integration of requirements, and discussion of how unique requirements will be managed at the division level. The researcher will manage common and integrated requirements, and the appropriate division must manage unique requirements. At the conclusion of this meeting, the division representatives will be tasked with formulating a solution for all unique requirements.
Iteration 4
You need to fully analyze the feedback concerning the requirements from each of the divisions. Then, document a final process to collect ‘needs’ from each of the divisions.

Iteration 5
A final two-hour meeting is needed to present the new process. Copies of the new process will be provided to each division.

Answer preview

Iteration 1: Understanding the dynamics of Smart Home technology

In this iteration, the researcher will seek to understand how Smart Home Security operates as it relates to home devices and appliances. At this stage, the researcher will convene three brainstorming sessions with app developers, network security experts and home owners. The researcher anticipates the meetings to last for 4-5 hours as the participants deliberate on a working framework to provide an app system that enables multi-level authentication, and point out vulnerability points of the system.

Word count: 310