Smoking Bear is an Underfill : Human Resource Planning


Smoking Bear is an Underfill: Human Resource Planning


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This article addresses the dilemma facing Doug Randall, who is a stalwart worker of the US Forest Service. Doug formerly began working for the Shasta Trinity National Forest as a firefighter in 1987. In 2001, the Forestry Service decided to reorganize and downsize its workforce. This would naturally call for the workers who were left on the payroll to assume additional responsibilities. The forest services management group achieved this goal, as visitor use rates increased considerably and grew with the recreation program.  Doug Randall had quickly climbed the ranks as he was an eager learner and dedicated worker over the years. Doug was appointed to become a Forestry Technician as a grade GS-7 worker in 2002. Between 2002 and 2004, Doug performed well beyond his responsibilities, and his amazing work ethic was noted by his supervisors.

Word Count: 350