Smoking in New York and United States at Large


Smoking in New York and United States at Large


In 10 pages and using APA format, write about the following aspects on smoking:

  • Prevalence
  • Intervention including; the current national and state( New York) policy and procedure, primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention approach
  • Application of change model and motivational interviewing

Answer preview

Smoking is one of the major health problems in New York. Because most of the smokers start the habit at the age of 18 years, continuous surveillance of smoking among the youth is critical to ascertain the effectiveness of control programs, particularly in the case of tobacco use. The progress made by existing control programs determines the necessity for further intervention in public health.  While the wide-ranging intervention focuses on the larger public, the youth seem to be largely affected by the use of tobacco. Recent surveys show that although the smoking has reduced substantially, it remains as a major health problem among the young and older adults in the United States and New York City. This paper demonstrates the prevalence of smoking in New York and the interventions adopted by the State and Federal agencies. By examining the prevention approaches adopted, the current work describes the appropriate change models and motivational interviewing technique to alleviate or minimize the smoking health problem.

Word count: 3405