Social Behavior: College Students

Social Behavior: College Students


For this writing exercise, please organize your thoughts through the use of paragraphs and complete sentences that are grammatically correct and have no spelling errors.

Throughout the week, take a moment to observe the social behaviors of others. Pay particular attention to the behaviors of people that are with other people. Using at least 200 words in a Word document, describe the context and the type of people that were observed. Describe the social behaviors observed. Are the behaviors in your opinion specifically social behaviors? In other words, would you predict the people would act that way without the others around them? Please give reasons to support your answer and examples to illustrate your points. Provide citations, in proper APA formatting,  when appropriate.

Answer Preview 

For this assignment, the group of people observed are college students pursuing different courses. A keen analysis of the behaviors of these individuals reveals that their behaviors are specifically social. When people are in certain social environments, they tend to show different degrees of bonding and aggression, based on the level of comfort that they feel towards those around them. It, therefore, becomes apparent that the feelings, behaviors, and thoughts of these college students were shaped by the implied, actual, and even imagined presence of their peers (Jiang, 2016).

Word Count: 300