Social Class


Social Class


Discuss the concept of social class and its impact on Modern American Society.

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The topic selected is Social Class as it provides a historical perspective of human kind. The topic provides a broad context of social, economic and behavioral characteristics of people. Ideally, every human being is born into a cultural and social setting comprising social classes, community and families. This topic examines how people respond to the social classes in which they are born: throughout history, people belonging to a particular social class live and die in it, or advance to higher social classes characterised by better education, advanced technologies and high-class job opportunities. By exploring this topic, the impact of social class can explain the possible implications on future generations. Using the available literature on social class and poverty, the history of the society and how it compares with modern America can be explicated. Exploring the changes over time can help to determine the possible implications for the future.

Word count: 1308

Slide count: 16