Social Media Marketing Campaign for Simon Carter


Social Media Marketing Campaign for Simon Carter


We are designing a Campaign for the brand SIMON CARTER
Simon Carter already has a strong presence on social media but for this season
Autumn 2017 he wants to expand his brand exposure to create a series of A4 and
dps press ads for specialist and fashion magazines from Sunday Supplements to
Vogue. WE DO NOT DESIGN THE A4/dps adverts.
Instead, we will write 2000 words describing a social media campaign to specifically
accompany the A/17 press coverage mentioned above. The campaign must enhance
and not detract from his current social media exposure. You will focus on the main
collection of Simon Carter.

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Social media marketing is rapidly growing and becoming an effective tool in promoting products and services online (Pani and Sharma 2012). Through channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube among others, the fashion industry is becoming more accessible to more people and potential customers. In order to remain competitive in the market, proper research ought to be carried out to be at par with current fashion behaviors, and observe new trends in order to design a marketing campaign that is quite remarkable and successful (Phan, Thomas and Heine 2011). Although Simon Carter’s presence in social media is strong, new and improved social media marketing strategies will cement the popularity and exposure as well as expand his brand to reach new markets while upholding and promoting his quirky and quality style.

Word Count: 2300