Social psychology consultant


Social psychology consultant


For writing purposes, organize the paper based on the headings listed above. Use APA style writing for margins, spacing, and general formatting. The following is expected for the write-up:

  • APA style title page
  • APA style abstract – Summarize your paper in 150-250 words.
  • Body of the paper (at least 3 full pages of writing):
    • Description of job duties
    • Anticipated social psychological topics
    • Interview questions asked and summary of answers
    • Suggestions for improvement based on what you have observed for each topic
  • APA style references (but make sure you use citations throughout the body of the paper as well).

Answer Preview 

Secondly, there is a list of anticipated social psychological topics that form the basis of the interview for the social psychology consultant. The topics provide a general view of the areas that have been discussed in this psychology topic. The topics are then followed by the interview questions that were asked based on the topics mentioned above. This is then followed by the interview answers, which are just a mere summary of the answers that were given by the interviewee with regards to the different areas in the field of social psychology. These answers provide a general view of the issues that the consultant deals with, as well as an overview of how different issues are taken care of. Lastly, the essay provides for suggestions on the improvements that should be made when it comes to consulting, as well as an advice for individuals who want to pursue this career path.

Word Count: 1100