Social Psychology Consultant (A time with Crystal Solo)


Social Psychology Consultant (A time with Crystal Solo)


For this project you will be interviewing an individual who currently has employment with an organization that involves some form of social interaction.
For this milestone, you will perform the following activities:

  • Participant Selection – Select a person to interview for the project. Identify the job position by describing in detail what duties take place.
  • Specifically:
    • What is the job description? What opportunities are there for the individual to interact with others? Does the individual work in a group? If not, describe the interactions that the individual may have with others.
    • If the individual does work in groups, discuss the dynamic of roles and responsibilities within the group.
    • The participant selection should take place between weeks 1 and 3.

  • Write a rough draft of the information you have gathered for the Participant Selection portion of your final project. There are no formatting requirements, but all questions above are expected to have an answer. Write using complete sentences.

Answer preview

Crystal Soto is the individual that I selected for the interview on a social psychology consultant. I met Crystal while she was still an undergraduate student at the University, but now she is doing some consulting work at Personal Counselling Solutions, in City of Vineland in New Jersey. The job description of the social psychology consultant is to carry out a behavioural and mental study of individuals with a particular in order to identify the manner in which they have been influenced by their social surroundings.  By so doing, the consultant understands how the societal and environmental norms, as well as relationships play in determining the minds of individuals.

Word count: 621