Social Work


Social Work


1)   Identify a career field that interests you, and explain why you find this subject or job interesting. Do some research to identify what actually happens on the job and explain what it is about this job that you think would be challenging and enjoyable.
2) Describe the training and experience that are required to work in the field you have identified above. Do some research on qualifications needed to get a job in this field.  Is growth or decline expected in this career field?  Where is growth occurring (what part of the country)?  Can one get an entry-level job in this field with a bachelor’s degree, or is graduate study required in order to work in this area?  How difficult is it to get a job in this field?
3) Identify the strengths and weaknesses that you bring to this career field.  What strengths can you capitalize on, and how can you increase your strengths in this area?
What weaknesses do you have and how can you overcome them?  Identify specific strategies to increase strengths and reduce.

Answer preview

My career interest is in social work. The reason for taking an interest in social work is that it revolves around comprehending and striving to advance the lives of individuals in society. Social workers pay attention to child welfare, individuals involved in criminal activity, individuals struggling with additions, mental health, and healthcare to help such individuals cope and improve their happiness. Hence, I find this profession interesting because it gives me an opportunity to work with people in need.

Word count: 605