Social Work Roles


Social Work Roles


Write an essay exploring on the question of which social work roles best align with your personality and your choice for professional

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Advocating is a social role that best aligns with my personality since I love helping people and I would not love to see people that cannot help themselves suffer while I am doing well. It is a social work role that involves helping others get their rights. This is good since there are people that cannot speak for themselves or are vulnerable and so as an advocate I would speak for these people and help them get their human rights which in turn would bring about love, positivity, and success in the society.

Facilitating is another social work role that best aligns with my personality since it involves the bringing of a group of people together for various purposes, for example, policy change or community development. This is a good way of contributing to the society since if you bring people together and manage to change a policy for the betterment of those people then this would have a positive impact on the society. Community development would bring about awareness and the general development of the society. Nursing and treating are social work roles that best align with my personality since it is always everyone’s wish and hope to be healthy. Being a doctor or nurse would greatly help people that are ill regaining back their health and this would be of great help to the society.

Word Count: 700