Social Work Skills


Social Work Skills


In 1½ -pages, please respond to the following questions/statements (you cannot use this outline as part of the page requirement- your response to the following prompts must be 1 ½

This semester we will be focusing on developing your identity as a professional social worker and the various skills you need to feel confident in your abilities. Please use your critical thinking skills to fully respond to the tasks below.

Talk about someone (may or may not be a social worker) who inspires you to do this work.

Have you had a supervisor who motivated you? A professional mentor?

Talk about a client who made an impact on you. It could have been a negative or positive experience, but someone you worked with that moved you.

Talk about a time this year when you have assisted others with making a change.

What skills did you utilize?

How did the client (individual or system) benefit from your intervention?

Answer Preview 

In social work, you meet different kinds of people. Naturally, these are people who are always in need of help to navigate their life’s challenges. I still remember this one time I was assigned to help an old lady whose children had turned against her. In the short time I spent with her, I realized that she was the authoritative parent, and she did not know how to deal with not being listened to and obeyed. With that knowledge, I knew that I had to find a way to ensure that her authoritative nature took precedence in helping her in order to gain her trust

Word Count: 600