Social Workers Challenges and How to Address Them


Social Workers Challenges and How to Address Them


Write a discussion paper on Social Workers Challenges and How to Address Them

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Another challenge facing social workers is the issue of racism and racist remarks. In the line of duty, Joan was dealing with a hostile Mr. Lee who liked to use racial slurs. It is a dilemma alright, but Joan cannot ignore the social problems. The best way to respectfully ask Mr. Lee to quit using racial slurs in her presence would be to find examples of words that can have the same effect and describing it to the client on how someone else could use the same words directed at them. Simply put, Joan requires to come up with time, sit down with the client, and ask them to sit on the other side of the mirror. This would show the client the effect of their racial slurs, and in effect, serve as a lesson to them from experience.

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