Sociological Perspectives


Sociological Perspectives


This question is about the three theoretical perspectives that dominate sociology: Symbolic Interactionism, Functional Analysis, and Conflict Theory.  I would like you to:

1.) Describe/summarize each perspective

2.) Choose a social problem (such as but not limited to crime, drug use, gender inequality, racial inequality, poverty) and describe how symbolic interactionists, structural functionalists, and conflict theorists would each view that topic.

3.)  If you decided you would like to become a researcher who works to solve the social problem you spoke of in #2, which perspective(s) would you take? Why does this seem like the best choice?

Answer Preview 

The functionalist perspective is also termed functionalism. As per the functionalist perspective, every aspect of the community is interdependent and plays a remarkable role in the community’s functioning as a whole. For example, the state or government offers education for the young people of the family that will in turn pay taxes on which the government or state relies in order to operate smoothly. Functionalists usually believe that communities are held together by cohesion or social consensus whereby community members agree upon and work as a team to accomplish what is profitable to the community as a whole. The functionalist perspective has received criticism since it has omitted the negative functions of action like divorce.

Word Count: 600